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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) written discourse (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: written discourse

Is in goldstandard

paper CL_LiteraturayLingüísticatxt153 - : Specialized written discourse comprehension in technical-professional domains: ¿Learning from text ?

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt69 - : First, as Scarcella and Rumberger posit, academic writing requires greater grammatical and morphological precision (2000). This academic written discourse is in sharp contrast from communication through speech: the former written discourse is essentially a solitary activity – particularly the composing stage, where ideas are put on paper -reducing the possibility of direct social interaction and feedback with interlocutors . In contrast, speech allows for repetition, backtracking and expansion, all partly conditioned to the interlocutor's reaction to the spoken word, and its level of clarity. These linguistic elements are absent in writing, forcing the writer to keep channels of communication open through conscious selection of vocabulary, sentence structure, and linking devices – all of which contribute to successfully conveying "messages".

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt61 - : To foster this awareness, Austin prepared for Blum and his students selected background readings about Japanese written discourse that:

paper VE_Letrastxt96 - : Written discourse genres: Towards a comprehensive conception from a socio-cognitive perspective

paper corpusSignostxt173 - : Specialized written discourse comprehension in technical-professional domains: ¿Learning from text ?

paper corpusSignostxt173 - : ABSTRACT: In this article we approach the cognitive processing of specialized written discourse in three areas of technical-professional education: maritime, industrial, commerce . We search into the influence of some text variables in reading specialized comprehension by a group of 234 students attending last year of secondary professional high schools, in Valparaíso, Chile. More specifically, we explore some relationships between the process of discourse comprehension and a group of written texts with specialized contents, hierarchically organized according to specific text structures and to dimensions of communicative linguistic features co-occurring systematically in the texts, identified upon of what we called Dimension Informational Focus (Parodi 2005a). To accomplish this, we designed and administered six comprehension texts to the group of students previously mentioned. Results show that there is enough empirical evidence to claim that some linguistic structures that identify

paper corpusSignostxt209 - : Specialized written discourse at university and professional domains: Composition of a corpus

paper corpusSignostxt335 - : Written Discourse Comprehension: A theoretical and methodological framework for its assessment

paper corpusSignostxt377 - : Ahora bien, pasados trece años de la publicación de Hyon (1996), Swales (2009) compara cuatro libros relativos a los géneros discursivos pertenecientes a las mismas tradiciones, pero con el desarrollo teórico que implica aproximadamente una década de investigaciones. De la tradición del ESP, los libros son Worlds of Written Discourse: A Genre-Based View (Bathia, 2004) y Research Genres: Exploration and Applications (Swales, 2004 ); de la Nueva Retórica, el ejemplar es Writting Genres (Devitt, 2004); mientras que de la tradición sistémico funcional, el texto es Genre (Frow, 2006). El análisis comparativo de estos textos, en opinión de Swales (2009), reveló que estas corrientes superaron ciertas diferencias, alineándose de alguna forma, de modo que es posible percibir que las fronteras que dividían las tres tradiciones en el pasado se volvieron difusas, si es que no desaparecieron por completo (Swales, 2009).

Evaluando al candidato written discourse:

1) specialized: 6 (*)
2) comprehension: 6 (*)
3) swales: 4
6) texts: 3 (*)
8) genres: 3 (*)
9) linguistic: 3 (*)
10) technical-professional: 3 (*)
11) domains: 3 (*)

written discourse
Lengua: eng
Frec: 106
Docs: 80
Nombre propio: 3 / 106 = 2%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 7
Puntaje: 7.775 = (7 + (1+5) / (1+6.74146698640115)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
written discourse
: 1. Beaman, K. (1994). Coordination and subordination revisited: Syntactic complexity in spoken and written narrative discourse. En D. Tannen (Comp.), Coherence in spoken and written discourse (Vol. XII, pp. 45-80). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
: 18. Hoey, M. (2001). Textual interaction: An introduction to written discourse analysis. Londres: Routledge.
: 2. Cherry, R. (1988). Ethos versus persona: Self-representation in written discourse. Written Communication, 5 (3), 251-276.
: 21. Cumming, A., Kantor, R., Baba, K., Erdosy, U., Eouanzoui, K. y James, M. (2005). Differences in written discourse in independent and integrated prototype tasks for Next Generation TOEFL. Assessing Writing, 10(1), 5-43.
: 29. Widdowson, H. G. (1980). Conceptual and communicative functions in written discourse. London: Applied Linguistics Vol. 1 (3).
: 35. Salager-Meyer, F. (1994). Hedges and textual communicative function in medical English written discourse. English for Specific Purposes, 13(2), 149-171.
: 4. Bathia, V. (2004). Worlds of written discourse. A genre-based view. New York, Continuum.
: 40. Hoey, M. (2001). Textual interaction: An introduction to written discourse analysis. Londres: Routledge.
: Basso, etal (1984) Schema Theory in the Cognitive Processing of Written Discourse. Tesis para optar al grado de Licenciado en Lingüística con mención en Lengua Inglesa, Universidad de Chile.
: Bhatia, V. (2004). World of written discourse. A genre-based view. Londres: Continuum.
: Cherry, R. D. (1988). Ethos versus persona: Self-representation in written discourse. Written communication, 5, 251-276.
: Fox, G., Hoey, M., & Sinclair, J. (1993). Techniques of Description: Spoken and Written Discourse. London: Routledge.
: Hoey, Michael. 2001. Textual interaction: an introduction to written discourse analysis, London, Routledge.
: Nas, G. (1975). Determining the communicative value of written discourse produced by L2 learners. Utrecht, The Netherlands: Institute of Applied Linguistics.
: Nystrand, M. (1982) What writers know: the language, process, and structure of written discourse, New York: Academic Press.
: Parodi, G. (2010). Written discourse genres. Towards an integral conception from a sociocognitive perspective. In G. Parodi (ed.), Academic and Professional Discourse Genre in Spanish (pp. 17–35). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
: Salager-Meyer, F. (1994). Hedges and textual communicative function in Medical English written discourse. English for Specific Purposes, 13(2), 149-170.
: Salager-Meyer, F., Defives, G. & Hamelynck, M. (1996). Epistemic modality in 19th and 20th century medical English written discourse: A principal component analysis. Interface. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 10, 163-199.
: Salager–Meyer, F. (1993). Hedges and textual communicative function in medical English written discourse. English for Specific Purposes, 13(2), 140– 170.
: Sinclair, John M. 1993. Written discourse structure, en J. M. Sin clair, M. Hoey y G. Fox (eds.), Techniques of description: Spoken and Written Discourse, London / New York, Routledge: 6-31.
: Spicer-Escalante, M. (2005). Writing in two languages/living in two worlds: Rhetorical analysis of Mexican-American written discourse. In M. Farr (Ed.), Latino language and literacy in ethnolinguistic Chicago (pp. 217-244). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
: Tannen, D. (1984). Spoken and written narrative in English and Greek. En D. Tannen (Ed.), Coherence in spoken and written discourse (pp. 21-41). Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Publishing Company.
: Thompson, G. & Thetela, P. (1995). The sound of one hand clapping: The management of interaction in written discourse. Text and Talk, 15(1), 103-127.
: Thompson, S. (1985). Grammar and Written Discourse: Initial vs. Final Purpose Clauses in English. Text, 5, 55-84.
: WIDDOWSON, H. (1979) Conceptual and communicative functions in written discourse. U. London. Applied linguistics Vol. 1 (3).
: Winter, E. (1977). A clause-relational approach to English texts: A study of some predictive lexical items in written discourse. Instructional science, 6(1), 1-92.
: YABUUCHI, A. (1998) "Spoken and written discourse: What's the true difference?" Semiotica, 120, 1-37.